♠ 酷炫好看的順子、連對、飛機、炸彈,看炫酷動畫炸裂登場!
♥ Q萌可愛的角色,緊張的對局節奏!一起決戰到天亮!
♦ 精彩熱辣活動,暢玩舒坦!免費金幣、道具領不停!不充值也能暢玩對局獎勵領不停。
♣ 公平,公正,舒心的遊戲,斗地主就這麼簡單!
都在切磋牌技吶,快呀,來不及了,就差你了,快來上桌吧~ 嗨起來~
1. Cool and good-looking straights, even pairs, planes, bombs, seeing cool animations bursting into the air!
2. Q Meng's cute character, nervous game rhythm! Fight together until dawn!
3. Exciting hot activities, enjoy Shutan! Free gold coins, non-stop props! You can continue to play the game rewards without recharging.
4, fair, just and comfortable game, the landlord is as simple as that!