The Microvita theory is a theory that in its general features was first introduced in 1986 through a series of lectures by the Indian philosopher and social reformer Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921–1990). These discourses and others given up to 1989 were compiled in the book Microvitum in a Nutshell.
The term "Microvita" is plural for "Micro-vitum" and literally means "micro-life". According to this intuitional theory microvita are entities which come within the realms both of physicality and of psychic expression. They are smaller and subtler than physical atoms and subatomic particles, and in the psychic realm they may be subtler than mind–stuff, and contribute to "pure consciousness". The author predicts that they will soon be recognized by conventional science.
According to the Dutch microvita researcher Henk de Weijer "microvita are tiny little creative catalyzing agents. They build atoms of matter, biology and mind, while cooperating with the characteristics of subatomic particles and pure energy".
Starting from the basic concept expressed by Sarkar in his discourses, the scholar Richard Gautier (aka Ratnesh) highlighted the key involvement of microvita in the structural organization of energy for the creation and maintenance of structures. He wrote: "...without microvita, no physical structure can exist. This because without microvita, energy or prana cannot be organized to become vital energy and create or maintain the existence of a structure."