A NB-IOT data platform on the cloud.
Base on this platform you can:
1. Debug and test your NB-IOT node;
2. Collect and show the data from the NB-IOT node;
3. Show the realtime data transmitted by the NB-IOT node
Please register your user name and password at:
And send data from your NB-IOT node to
UDP Port: 41234
Server: host.iot-nb.com.cn
The data sent from NB-IOT node shall follow below format:
{"user":"jj", "passwd":"jj", "id":"YOUR NB-IOT ID", "title": "YOUR DATA TYPE", data":"YOUR DATA"}
"id" is the NB-IOT node ID, any string as your defined;
"title" is the data type your defined, any string is acceptable;
"data" is the data you want to sent to the server, prefer JSON format, but any string is acceptable
To get the data from the cloud, send GET to URL
iot-nb.com.cn:1337/find?user=YOUR USERNAME&password=YOUR PASSWORD
The first release