Coloring have never been this fun : try one of the best coloring games in the app store and let your kids create their own colourful images and learn about colors in the easiest way .
With this ,creative coloring games , you can, teach your preschool child to recognize colors, name them ,and use them on his favourite halloween holiday themed images , it's so much fun with this colorbook . Work with, your little girls and boys who love halloween , take some time and teach your little boy or girl about colors and help him/her fill them within the lines. Help your childs develop their creativity in this fun coloring game.
Keep your kids entertained, for hours with this game. We created something really new and exciting ,for all the halloween lovers of the best holiday there is .Don't let the kids just watch cartoons let them feel like artists while creating their own colourful images .
This is the perfect game for stimulating the creativity of a baby, toddler or school student. But it's also lot of fun for a teenager or adult. If you or your little boy or girl likes to color and paint , this game is the best for him/her .
This game offers:
• Unique and free coloring games for kids.
• Develop pre-writing skills .
• Coloring books with many coloring pages .
• Amazing graphics of the kids favourite holiday stuff : halloween pumpkins , ghosts , scarecrow , witches and other things .
• Memory and color knowledge developement .
• A vary wide choice of colors .
• Saving your work in your gallery .
*Spanish*: Halloween coloring book es una aplicación con muchas páginas para colorear de todos los personajes y objetos de Halloween: calabazas, brujas, fantasmas y otros.
Instale esta aplicación y disfrute de una experiencia divertida de aprendizaje.
*German*: Halloween Malbuch ist eine App mit vielen Malvorlagen aller Halloween-Figuren und Objekte: Kürbisse, Hexen, Geister und andere.
Installieren Sie diese App und genießen Sie eine lernende Spaßerfahrung.
*Russian*: Книжка-раскраска для Хэллоуина - приложение со множеством раскраски всех персонажей и предметов Хэллоуина: тыквы, ведьмы, призраки и другие.
Установите это приложение и получите удовольствие от обучения.
*Italian*: Il libro di colorazione di Halloween è un'applicazione con molte pagine di colorazione di tutti i personaggi e degli oggetti di Halloween: zucche, streghe, fantasmi e altri.
Installare questa applicazione e godere di un'esperienza di apprendimento divertente.
*French*: Livre de coloriage Halloween est une application avec de nombreuses pages à colorier de tous les personnages et objets d'Halloween: citrouilles, sorcières, fantômes et autres.
Installez cette application et profitez d'une expérience d'apprentissage amusante.
*Chinese*: 万圣节着色书是一个应用程序,所有的万圣节字符和对象的许多着色页:南瓜,女巫,鬼魂等。
This is the first release . Pleaso do leave feedback for improvement !