The application include step by step Guide for the people who are new and want to learn Manasek e Hajj. This beautiful application contain detailed videos, explaining the complete way of performing the pilgrimage (Hajj).
The application is designed for the Muslim Ummah, who want to learn the Fardh to be take care while doing Hajj, and the complete way of performing Hujj. The most important things to know while doing Hujj are given Below;
• The right way of performing Hujj
• How to get prepared for Hajj
• Importance of Hajj
• Essentials items to take care while doing Hajj
• What to perform in first day, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th day
• What are allowd and what are forbidden in Hajj
• Thee Meeqat
• How to Tie the Ihram
• How to do Qurbani
• How to Do Tawaaf
You will also know about the important places and actions, and their importance while doing Hajj. Here are :
• Jammarat (stoning of Devil),
• Tawaaf al ifadha (Tawaf of Hajj)
• The farewell tawaaf (tawaf al-widah)
• Mina
• Muzdalifah
• Saa’I of Hajj
This application will give you a comprehensive step by step Guide of performing Hajj.