My School is an App that you build for YOUR school.
Its comes as a demo My School App that you and your students change to make it uniquely yours.
Building My School is a great school project for students of all ages. You can dynamically transform the App by changing the front image and title, the introduction page, the buttons and button labels and of course the content, so it is all about your school. (The screens shots below are of the demo. You get to change everything the way you want!)
Don't like the changes you have made - then change them again, as often as you like.
My School is an excellent teaching aid for your Students. They learn about Technology, and Design, cooperation and project management. Building the App is a creative and fun process, with the end result being a resource for Staff, Students and Parents.
We can publish the app on the Play Store for you, and you can give it away to everyone interested in what is happening in your school, about the sports events, the students, the teachers, the yearly calendar - whatever in formation you care to publish.
The best way to get started is to download this Free App and start playing. You will soon see how easy it is to change and of what value it could be to your school and pupils.
Check it out!
fix multiline text issue on one button for Nexus7/9