The Kalkulilo is a game developed to reduce math learning diffculties during early education through highly motivating brain training. The game is a result of cooperative work of psychologists, neuroscientist, educators and computer scientists from The Neurocognitive Laboratory at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun.
This is the demo version of our game. We are working on the full version and conducting neuroscientific research on a larger scale. If you want to get information about recent updates - sign up for our newsletter:
The game mechanism based on scientific research about learning mathematical skills.
What is unique about Kalkulilo comaring to other brain-training games?
It’s created not only by game designers, but also by scientists
It is based on the knowledge how our brain works and learn new skills
Its effectiveness is systematically tested and for now, we know that it helps
It is a game, not another gamified psychological test
Have you ever seen brain apps in which you fly a spaceship and to shoot the laser ? :)
Finally - it’s a tribute to retro gaming!
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music by (CC)
Herr Doktor - Revenge
Kevin MacLeod - Blown Away
Matt Oakley - Angel Academy
... & plenty of great stuff