EducScore, educational utility, allows each student, entering notes, get instant all middle school and university: by subject, period (quarter, half ...) and for the year.
EducScore serves primarily to set a goal to achieve an average per subject. The application then calculates the note to get the next duty to achieve this goal.
Free application and ad-free in this version. Minimum Android version 1.6. Tested on HTC Desire (android 2.2), Samsung mini galaxy (android 2.1), Asus EEE Tablet (Android 3.0).
Permission: Internet access.
- Can be used throughout the school year and graduate.
- Also manages the coefficients of homework and materials.
- All corrections, additions or withdrawals of notes are made easily.
- Developed by a practitioner working methods in education. The objectives, set at their own pace, allow to rise.
For any comments or ideas for improvement, please contact me at
First version on 25/01/2012
Feel free to back any problems or suggestions via email:
V 1.1: Improved display for better compatibility all screens.
V 1.2: Optimization + add ADS