A world wide and offline dictionary
This dictionary helps you to complete the world's major languages mutual translations. All of this work is in the offline state to achieve.
We are sure this is what you're looking for electronic dictionary.
Key features:
* Mono-lingual dictionaries for English, German, and Italian.
* Mutli-lingual dictionaries between many language pairs.
* Fast translate! (See translations as you type!)
* Dictionaries stored on SD card (works offline!)
* Save queried translations to text file on SD card for later reference.
Supported translations:
English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, French, Korean,Russian, Spanish,German, Hindi and etc.
* Data from en.wiktionary.org.
If Dictionary crashes on your device (especially Sony Ericsson devices),
try using Dictionary's preferences to change to the "System default" font.
Dictionary is based on QuickDic code:, and licensed under the Apache License.
QuickDic code: http://code.google.com/p/quickdic-dictionary/
Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html