Appblocker app help you to block application you want to lock. It lock apps that affecting your productivity. Best appblock in playstore.
Appblock can lock instagram,facebook,twitter apps on your working time.
With the help of Appblock
You don’t need to worry about application affect your productivity
You don’t need to worry about privacy of your personal stuff
You don’t need to worry about locking your persona apps
You don’t need to worry about automatic unlock apps when you are not working
How it works?
In this application you can create profile and add application inside the list that you want to lock in some specific time
You can add time and days for that profile
After you create profile it will be automatically activated on selected duration
Block apps
Lock apps on specific time
Create your private group for apps list
Help increase your productivity by blocking social media apps on your working time
Help locking your apps related to work on your holiday
You can send feedback on
Bug fixes, new design