VeriME is a pioneer in blockchain based Verification As A Service [VaaS] solutions – D-KYC, D-SECURE & D-AUTH. With increased digital operations and security threat VeriME’s VaaS solutions help merchants & partners achieve seamless verification to guard users and their assets on a digital platform. Authentication made faster and easier at the comfort of users own digital space.
VeriME uses the most advanced biometric technologies and machine learning tools to identify and authenticate the Users during purchase of goods and services. Customers can verify their identity electronically with service providers (online/offline, blockchain based or traditional businesses) who are VeriME’s partners in just a few seconds. This not only helps in saving cost for Service Providers, it also enhances Customer experience which is one of our primary concern.
VeriME’s products protect its Partners and ensure their compliance with local, in-country regulations such as prohibition of transmission of confidential or sensitive information of an individual outside its boundaries (also known as Local Data Sovereignty and PDPA laws). VeriME’s solutions are designed in such a way that it DOES NOT transmit confidential or sensitive information such as PCI DSS [Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards] and PII [Personally Identifiable Information] data, during KYC and Authentication processes.
How does VeriME work?
• Users are required to register with VeriME using VeriME App
• Users are required to upload their documents onto the App. VeriME creates unique identity for the Users in the blockchain. Please note: We do not store or transmit your information. Users own their data and monetize from it whenever they authenticate with VeriME partners!
• VeriME Partners request VaaS services through custom QR codes.
• Users can review the request and complete identification service by scanning the QR codes.
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