Study basic English grammar to help you become fluent in English. Understand the basic concepts of English grammar and learn English easily.
When English speakers begin to learn other languages they often find themselves being taught via methods that assume they have a basic knowledge of English grammar.
Some of us, however, have come through a school system that taught little or nothing of the way our language is structured. We recognise when things
“sound right” or “sound wrong” but we cannot say why. We now want to study a second language, to read it or speak it or both, and we are non-plussed when the teacher says, “In German the verb comes at the end of the clause”, or “That’s the indirect object.”
I hope this small guide will fill a gap and give you the basics, whether you want to learn another language or not, and if you do, whether your aimed-for second language is Spanish, Anindilyakwa, New Testament Greek, Swahili or anything else.
Don’t forget that many languages don’t have direct equivalents of all our classes of words or all our grammatical structures. Some systems of grammar are simpler than the English system, some are more complex, and some are simply different.
This app inlcudes:
Clauses and phrases
Words — and their functions
Verbs and their subjects
Direct and indirect (reported) speech
More about clauses
In conlcusion
fixed bugs
fixed apps permissions