You might be aware of the amazing feature called Assistive Touch. This feature helps users in circumstances where they have trouble touching the screen or pressing the buttons on your android phone. The primary use of the assistive touch button has been to use it as a soft home key in place of the hardware button.
Swift Assistive Touch gives a small floating icon that sits at one or the other edge of the device. Once the user touches it, a floating menu opens up that allows the user to perform certain quick actions.
The feature could also be very useful for Android users who find it difficult to work on larger screens like tablets with just one hand, it's a floating app that stays on your Android’s screen and assists you in getting frequent tasks done easily.
Once you install our Swift Assistive app, you can activate it by clicking on settings will see a small blue icon on the the screen which means it's activated. When you open it the first screen gives you some basic options from where you can change the icon, wallpaper, and of course the most important the apps that you want to access them easily.
You can click on Edit Apps to change or add your favorite apps to the menu. Tap on the app icon to add some of your frequently used apps. This can help in launching your most used apps from any screen you might be on.
When you turn on AssistiveTouch, you’ll see the AssistiveTouch menu. You can drag it to any edge of the screen, then tap the menu to open it.
Use AssistiveTouch to control your device
You can use AssistiveTouch to find and adjust certain settings on your device and you'll be able to do things like like Volume, Rotate Screen, Lock Screen, and more. Tap the AssistiveTouch menu and tap the Edit Apps to change or add the app that you want.
Click and hold on the icon to hide it
What can you do with this app:
☆ Lock or rotate the screen of your device
☆ Fast access to your camera
☆ Access to Bluetooth
☆ Turn Flashlight on or off
☆ Brightness of your screen
☆ Exiting apps or current window to your home screen
☆ Lock screen
And plenty of other features !
Assistive Touch theme:
☆ You can customize Background of the app's menu by changing its color or adding a photo from your own gallery!.
☆ You can change the transparency of the app's menu color
☆ Change the app's icon and choose from many emojis and cute icons
So that was pretty much everything about Swift Assistive Touch. The app is free to use without any limitations.
- Thank you for using the app, look forward to receiving your support
- If you have comments about the Assistive Touch, you can send email feedback to us.