- Mole Concept
- Atomic Structure
- Radio Activity
- Chemical Bonding
- Electro-Chemistry
- Gas Laws
- Kinetic Theory of gases
- Theory of Dilute Solution
- Chemical Kinetics
- Solubility Product
- Titration
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Ionic Equilibrium
- Thermo-Chemistry
- Equivalent Atomic and Molecular weight
- Eudiometry or Gas analysis
- Qualitative Analysis
- Alloy - Composition and Uses
- Important Minerals
- Important Ores
- Important Compounds and Formulae
- Records of Chemistry - 1
- Records of Chemistry - 2
- General formula of Organic Compounds
- IUPAC Name of Some Organic Compounds
- Aliphatic Series Conversion - 1
- Aliphatic Series Conversion - 2
- Synthesis From Alkyl Hallides
- Name and Formula of Some Aromatic Compounds
- Aromatic Series Conversion - 1
- Aromatic Series Conversion - 2
- Organic Chemistry Important Points
- Properties of Functional Groups
- Important Name Reaction
- Qualitative Analysis - Organic
All thsese topics are described with necessary sketch and all formula is given.
We designed this app in a plain simple way in order that it is easily understandable by everyone.
This app is designed keeping in mind that it should be useful for students as chemistry is playing a key role in all branches of engineering and technology all over the world.
This will definitely help u for preparing for interviews, exams and in many more ways
anytime and anywhere you require any information about chemistry Formula,You are away from just One Click...
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