免費(Free), 無廣告(no Ads), 乾淨(no Virus), 無需 Root 權限. 使用快速軟開機方式, 不用再等待硬體開機的等候時間 !
簡單, 快速, 輕按一鍵就能很乾淨的清除佔據手機內的滯留程式與內存記憶體, 更能一併解決多數人總是忘記關無線網路與藍芽的困擾 !!
從現在開始, 妳/你可以不用再擔心, 是不是手機內有在背景裡偷偷運行的程式, 吃掉記憶體、佔據內存空間. 不再煩惱手機變慢、耗電與傷財 !!
從現在開始, 只要妳/你裝了這個 Flash Reboot (狠! 乾淨) 小工具, 輕輕一按圖示, 妳/你的手機就隨時、立刻可以回復至新開機時的運行速度 !
***** 簡易測試方法 : 您可以同時開啟任意多個 Apps, 然後按下 Flash Reboot ( 狠! 乾淨 ), 您就可以發現它會幫您清掉不少非系統預裝的 Apps.
***** 當您使用 Flash Reboot 一鍵清除耗系統資源的主程式會立即被清除掉, 但 Android 系統特性,
為確保手機使用者能隨時收到最新資訊, 訊息通知類服務仍可能會被重新啟動. 但請安心此類訊息服務不耗資源. 因此 您看到的只不過是通知服務 (例如, 簡訊, LINE 通知, ...), 而非已被清除的龐大主程式.
***** 您可以試試, 每多按一次, 偷偷運行在背景的滯留程式, 就會越少, 手機運行也就會清的更加乾淨, 如同新開機哦 !!
Free, no Ads, no Virus, no Root permission required !
Simple, Fast, Just one click to clear the phone's memory and background running processes. It definitely resolve most people's problems !!
From now on, you do not have to bother, there is not a cell phone in the background secretly run programs, eat its memory, occupy its internal space, and no more to worry about the phone slow consumption and money waste !!
As long as you installed the Flash Reboot (Very! Clean) widget, just one touch, your phone at any time, you can immediately respond quickly to new start running it as fresh beginning !!
No requires rooted phone, so no worries the permission limitation, because everyone can use it, I guarantee you will like it as your closely phone-mate!!
***** Simple test methods: You can also open any number of Apps, then press the Flash Reboot, and you will find that it will help you clear out a lot of non-system pre-installed the Apps. (each additional press, the phone will be running cleaner !!)
取消自動關閉網路的功能 (WiFi、Bluetooth、...)。