mSakhi is an interactive mobile phone application for ASHAs and ANMs with the following objectives:
1. To empower frontline health workers (FLWs) through a mobile phone based tool for Timely Identification, Management and Referral of Sick Newborns.
2. To overcome literacy and poor training barriers amongFLWs through an interactive mobile-based multimedia (illustrations (culturally adapted), sound (vernacular), text and animation) application which provides critical maternal and newborn health information.
mSakhi has three main features:
1. Self-learning and Counseling: audio, graphic images and short videos, serve as self-learning and counseling tool
2. Decision Support: case management including diagnosis, assessment, classification and categorization of HBNC treatment and referral
3. Real-Time Monitoring and Management: ANMs access to ASHA wise home visit schedule and completion status on a real time basis