Supported Anime-
Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), Hunter x Hunter, Tokyo Ghoul, Kuroko no Basuke, Assassination Classroom, Seven Deadly Sins, Death Note, Yuri On Ice, Mob Psycho 100, Akame Ga Kill, Boku no Hero Academia and many more...
What is AMVs?
An anime music video (AMV) typically is a fan-made music video consisting of clips from one or more animated shows or movies set to an audio track, often songs or promotional trailer audio.
Love AMVs?
Anime AMVs is just for you to get latest, hot AMVs of your favorite anime in a single tap. Trending Battles astonishing music compilations, favorite sound tracks everything in one place.
With AMVs, you can watch the whole Arc or Complete Fight within few minutes that are set to astonishing music including all major scenes of that Arc/Fight.
All your favorite Anime AMV's at one Place
Well Built Catalog for listed Anime. No need to search just select your favorite character or fight from catalog & get AMVs.
Favorite Section-
Love that AMV? Can't find it later. Don't worry add that AMV to your Favorite Section and Access it later.
Q- Failed to Initialize YouTube Player Help?
A- Make sure you have latest YouTube app install on your phone. If not please download YouTube app from play store?
Q- App not working properly or App Crash?
A- Please inform through support email or reviews and BackWings Studio will try to resolve as soon as possible
**More Anime will be Added Soon**
Note- APPS-GOD doesn't own any materials or characters all the Images and Videos are fan made. All these Characters and Anime belongs to their copyrighted owner
Support- If you find any bug or want to add your favorite anime in app, please feel free to email me (Look at bottom of developer email)