This app will cover the core java language fundamentals and exam (OCJP and SCJP) notes of Durga Sir. The object oriented programming Java concepts (OOP concepts) covered here is very much necessary for android app development. This app will help you crack java interview, java certifications (OCJP and SCJP), improve your core java programming skills. The coding examples provided in this tutorial can be compiled and executed using Eclipse IDE. These notes are also useful for those who recently completed their java course in Codecademy.
The chapters included are
Language Fundamentals
Operators & Assignments
Declarations and Access Modifiers
OOPs(Object Oriented Programming)
Exception Handling
Multi Threading
Multithreading Enhancement
Inner class
java lang package
File I/O
Concurrent Collections
Garbage collection
OCJP/SCJP:Internationalization [IN]
Interface and Abstract class Loopholes
JVM Architecture
OCJP and SCJP both are identical. SCJP stands for Sun Certified Java Programmer. After Oracle acquired Sun, the certificate has been officially renamed to Oracle Certified Professional Java SE Programmer or OCPJP.
You can get the PDF version of the file from here.
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