Our app is called Lunch Choices. This App was created to help students have a choice in what they want to eat for lunch. Not everyone eats school lunches because they either don’t like what is being served or because they didn’t have a choice on what food they wanted to eat. Also some people may be allergic to certain foods such as peanut butter. So here is a solution, we made an App to allow students to pick out of five choices what they would like to eat. Students will not be able to make choices everyday of the week but they would be able to do it once a week. The list can be changed every week and the most voted food would be served the first day of the week then so on and so forth with the second most votes the next day then the third most votes the third day. The app is good for students because each student has a voice and sometimes their voice needs to be heard rather audible or visually. This can also help individuals bond and interact over the common food that they enjoy. Our app also allows school districts to determine what certain cities prefer over everything else.
Our app also helps kids select what they want to eat instead of the school deciding for them, the students have their decisions to make towards the food. Instead of just not eating what they want to have to eat so now with our app they can vote on what they want to eat for lunch.