What is FitoFi?
FitoFi is a single spot built to bring all the fitness centers, nutrition shops, sport shops along with passionate fitness freaks to work and grow together on common platform. We aim to keep people motivated for fitness and to see better and fitter tomorrow.
How does FitoFi help Fitness centers, nutrition and sport shops?
Owner of any kind of fitness center can create fitness profile of his business in few clicks. The rights of profile handling will solely be given to business owner. This will facilitate owner to update his business profile anytime. As soon as the owner brings the new feature in business he can update it on business profile. This will not only help the owner to promote the business but will also help customers to know what you recently have updated.
Thus we are giving a platform to do online marketing of fitness business to acquire potential customers.
FitoFi is a fitness center discovery and social app where fitness centers like gyms, aerobics, yoga, dance, swimming centre along with nutrition and sports shops is listed and the user can easily locate these centers around him/her easily. Through FitoFi, a trainer or fitness crazy can create his/her personal profile and can customize it to showcase his fitness images, diets and other advices as per their wish. A common user can follow the trainers for motivation and also can showcase their own fitness images and other fitness related activities.
How does FitoFi help common user?
Common user with the help of FioFi can discover all the fitness center, nutrition and sport shop in any area of the city. If any user has to join any particular fitness center one do not have to visit every single of it to check out the place and facilities given over there. One can simply explore all the information and images of fitness centers on FitoFi. Common user can follow gyms, trainers, seek advice and tips from trainers, can rate and review gyms. Thus FitoFi is of great convenience to discover and explore any fitness business through just your mobile phone.