Sanela Dental Clinic India is your full stop solution for your appointment scheduling needs. Now book an appointment to specialized doctors within your city/state for particular appointment directly from your own hand. You can search out and schedule an appointment from the broad list of specialized doctors within your city/state. This app will make the appointment scheduling more easier than ever before, for patients who got annoyed from busy phone calls while going to schedule an appointment. Be a part of Dental-clinic India and get your free account just from your device and increase your business works with this robust appointment scheduling app.
- Get details of pending appointments and view patient details.
- Get details of Pending, Confirmed and Cancelled appointments for today or all the days.
- Confirm or cancel patient's appointment.
- View or modify profile any time from your device.
- Set availability time for your clinic from attractive user interface.
- Change password any time from your device.
- Give your useful feedback and rating to application from your device that will help us to enhance this app.
- Patient Registration and Update Profile
- Search specialized doctors for particular decease within your city/state.
- Schedule appointment to specialized doctor in few clicks.
- View current appointment status of scheduled appointment.
- View or modify profile any time from your device.
- Change password any time from your device.
- Give your useful feedback and rating to application from your device that will help us to enhance this app.