1. App Alarms_for_notification serves to remind the forgetful user
about the upcoming event.
You can build from 1 up to 3 reminders at the same time.
After the formation and start-up reminders, the user can perform any
other programs and actions. However, it is impossible to restart the
smartphone !!!
After appropriate time, formed sound signal and the corresponding
graphical Notification about working out the corresponding time and the
need to perform the necessary actions.
The advantage of this program is simplicity and speed setting associated
with the reminder.
2. The user sets a notification using the calendar and installer time.
For each reminder has its own installer date and time. After setting the
appropriate reminders, the user is able to execute other programs. When
re-entering the program Alarms_for_notification, on the screen will be
formed text with setpoints, have been previously installed.
If all of the notifications worked or not new setting, then the corresponding
text is empty. A new task reminders you may , when all previous
notifications worked.
Perhaps the next time you enter the program, reinstalled setpoint
corresponding reminders.
However, the old settings will be lost and will not be practiced.
3. Controls and display:
- buttons activate the notifications ( -> );
- 3 of the set date and time notification.
- 3 fields for entering the reminder text (Not.1 ...Not.3);
- the Clear button to clean information in the memo;
4. The app was tested on Samsung smartphones, Philips smartphones
running Android 5.0 and Android 6.0.
The application requires a smartphone with a screen more than 5 inches
and a resolution of at least 1920*1080.
There is a short description on Russian and English languages.
Copyright Dr.-eng. Alexandr Ryss. Moscow. 2017.