Easy Game for Single layer with Random Number compare.
Use touch and move Left or Right, compare with Center Number, move left if smaller than Center Number, move right if Larger than Center Number. As fast as moving touch, player can get more Score.
Each level have 7 Step ( with idea: Seven Steps to Successfully ). The first Step have 1 mini step. The Second step have 2 mini step. The third step have 3 mini step ...
Game start at "Easy level". The Player pass and get 6000 in Easy Level's score can play Entry level. The Player pass and get 8000 in Entry Level's score can play Somi level.
Children from 7 (can compare number) can play Game.
This version build for older Android version from 4.0.3 (API 15). Version 1.0 build for Android 4.2.2 (API 17).