GPS tracking system:
GPS (the Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based radio navigation system which, through the interaction of a network of 24 satellites, ground control stations and receivers which :
• measure and decode Satellite transmissions;
• Provide information on positioning, velocity and precise timing in real-time consist of a device installed in the vehicle;
• Provide a central server and software for the owner to access the information.
CAP is providing biggest tracking solution in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
CAP is providing following services for waste tracking and monitoring service:
• Tracking for different types of waste.
• Centralized Command and Control Rooms.
• Prevent & Control illegal Dumbing.
• Monitor if waste is being dumped outside authorized dumps.
GPS tracking system:
• Monitor if waste is being dumped outside of the City.
• implement an Electronic Toll Collection system using Electronic Geo-fences.
• Decision Support reporting and statistical information.
• Optimized auditing / enforcement tools
fixed a bug with Arabic support