We are a Learning Firm established to focus on developing professionals to meet their long-term career goals by using design thinking and by playing the role of facilitator & motivator. We factor in designed growth, engineered exploration, guided adaptation and accelerated evolution as part of our portfolio.
At Sai Acuity we tap individuals knowledge and skills through innovation labs, reverse mentoring and speaker series and have created guided learning journeys – MOOC-like experiences intended to quickly build new skills through a blend of reading, blogs, videos, discussion groups, assignments and projects as part of our customized learning solutions.
We Learning Portfolio includes four fold services to both professionals and students:
1.Niche IT Programs: Cloud Computing Security, Cyber security, Data science & Data Loss Prevention Tools
2.IT Finishing School Programs: Two month interventions for Engineering/Degree students on
a)IT Operations & Security
b)Java Stream
3.Corporate Programs: We offer Advanced Technology programs & Management Development Interventions through our partners
4.Talent Acquisition Services: We offer placement services at Corporate's for employees & students who complete our programs