Tạp chí Digitalist, Executive Quarterly đang tiến triển. vấn đề điều hành hàng quý sẽ không còn được xuất bản trong Google Play. Bạn vẫn có thể tìm thấy tạp chí của chúng tôi trực tuyến tại www.digitalistmag.com/executive-quarterly.
Voice technology is coming to the workplace, and it is poised to revolutionize productivity. When combined with augmented reality and virtual reality, voice tech has the potential to create entirely new experiences which will engage and excite employees. Similarly, machine learning will redefine the very nature of what a company is, does, and how it gets done. We also examine how purpose and profits are now indelibly linked, so that when a company does good in the world, it fuels growth.