Introducing “Animated Story Book Puzzles”, an exciting new concept in storytelling.
Interactive AR has created some of the most eye catching and entertaining Augmented Reality
puzzles on the market. Experience the story of Cinderella as never before. Children of all ages
will be entertained for hours.
Requires – “Interactive AR” Puzzle
Languages – English, French, Spanish
How does it work?
Simply assemble the physical puzzle, download the app and point your tablet / smart phone
camera at the assembled puzzle and let the story unfold before you in full 3D imagery.
What is Augmented Reality?
AR is a new, fascinating and exciting technology that utilizes any mobile device to display what
has become known as Augmented Reality. Once the application (using the device camera) has
“anchored” to the puzzle picture, the story unfolds as a 3D layer right before you as if it is
actually in the room. The device can be moved around the image to view from any angle.
- fixed tracking issues