SQL is a standard programming language for accessing databases.
The SQL language is used to access and manipulate data in any database.
This tutorial along with "MSSQL Tutor" can be also used by the beginners to learn the SQL and about how data can be inserted , updated and extracted from a database.
This "MSSQL Tutor" app give the brief knowledge about how to use join,subqueries,function etc.
This app is usefull for all BCA,B.Sc Comp. Sci., MCA, M.Sc and IT student
This app includes:
1.Introduction to SQL
2.Introduction to the Query
3.Expressions, Conditions, and Operators
5.Clauses in SQL
6.Joining Tables
7.Sub queries
8.Manipulating Data
9.Creating and Maintaining Tables
10.Creating Views and Indexes
11.Controlling Transactions
12.Database Security
13.Advanced SQL Topics
14.Dynamic Uses of SQL
15.Streamlining SQL Statements for Improved Performance
16.Data Dictionary
17.Generate SQL Statements
18.PL/SQL: An Introduction
19.Transact-SQL: An Introduction
Keywords: SQL, MSSQL, Microsoft sql,sql server,server,dot net,MySQL,sql programming,sql tutorial,sql tutor,pdf,material.
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