This application is a tool for calculation of DPS Information for the popular Blizzard game Diablo III. Please contact me at starcraft.ling.881@gmail.com if you have any feedback, suggestion, bug reports, requests, etc. You can also click on "Email Me" within the application itself.
Key features.
- Importing of hero profile directly from Blizzard.
- Manage different hero profile. (Currently only supports 1 profile for each hero type)
- Changing of item stats in anyway you like.
- More information which is not available on the Blizzard website, for eg:
** Upgrade information by 1 core stat, critical chance, critical damage, increase attack speed, etc.
** Minimum and Maximum damage that you can deal with your equipped weapon. (Blizzard only displays your average DPS)
- No Graphics used!!! This is to ensure the best speed possible, especially when retrieving data from Blizzard.
- Works also for non level 60 characters.
- Import once and forget. Only import again if your items has changes.