Having problems with your Power or Home button?
Or do you just wish to "save" them?
Consider using your Proximity Sensor to help you turn on/off your screen!!
This application will help you reduce the usage of your Power/Home button by up to 99%!! (1% is when you wish to turn off or restart your device.)
Due to the sensitivity of the Proximity Sensor, I strongly suggest not to use the function lock screen by proximity sensor. To turn off the feature, just set the duration to 0 seconds.
Instead, I suggest that you use another application to lock your screen. Here, I suggest using "Lock Screen Now" which is also developed by me. There are also many other Lock Screen applications which you can find on Google Play.
To uninstall this application, you have to first remove the Device Administrator rights for this application. When you choose to uninstall this application, it will prompt you to remove the Device Administrator Rights. If not, please go to Settings > Security > Device Administrator > Uncheck this application.
Fix an issue where the service will still start if it was stopped before a reboot. This is a non issue if you are using this application happily. =D