Anti virus for android phone app is a complete antivirus cleaner that offer antivirus protection for android phones and keep your phone secure. Anti virus for phone is a virus removal app for free. If you are looking for virus remover for android , Anti virus for android is an highly efficient anti virus cleaner that protect your phone from malwares, viruses and Trojans. this anti virus cleaner include high security that keep your phone protected from hacking or viruses attack
Anti virus for android phone include speed booster that clean all junk files from your phone and boost up speed of your mobile phone. In, simple words you can say that anti virus cleaner provide complete anti virus protection for android. Anti virus for phone is one click virus remover for android. Antivirus for android phone include Ram cleaner that clear extra ram occupied by the different apps and boost up the speed of your android phone. Anti virus cleaner deeply scan both SD card and internal storage of your android phone and remove all the detected viruses and risky files by a single click.
When you are suffering internet on your android phone, Anti virus for android phone that is a virus removal app for free allow you to block risky URLS and give a notification warning. Anti virus cleaner automatically scan all newly installed apps on installation. Anti virus for android keep your phone all time protected from viruses and Trojan attacks. In this way, antivirus for android keep your android phone secure.
⎫ Antivirus include world’s best Virus protection and cleaning technology
⎫ Anti virus auto Scan and clean viruses on one tap
⎫ Anti virus cleaner provide protection while suffering internet, installing new aps and FTP.
⎫ Antivirus provide notifications about risky apps, files and URLS