Are you struggling with driving traffic to your website, or having a difficult time creating info products to sell in the internet? Is managing your time a challenge and your are not getting as much done? Is your sales page (offer page) getting traffic but not converting? To get answers on what to do inorder to overcome these challenges download this app and start listening to the golden nuggets that will transform your internet marketing business. You will be challenged to get stuff done and be more productive. Above all you will be on your way to achieve the success you dream of with your internet marketing business.
WHO IS SEAN MIZE: Sean Mize is a leading internet marketing guru, he has published 25,000+ articles in, has produced various info products and audio trainings. He also runs a coaching program and has published the book - ANYONE CAN COACH (available in Amazon). Sean delivers his training in a simplistic step by step method that anyone can grasp and easily implement. He makes internet marketing look easy and very doable. Sean teaches the how and what and much more on internet marketing!
WHAT YOU GET IN THIS APP: You will get 27 (including bonuses) audio and video trainings on the following topics.
Product creation
How to position yourself as an expert
Product Launch Structure and Testing
How to master a traffic source
Product Funnel Principles
Building an Internet Marketing Niche
How to Become a Guru in Your Niche
Traffic with Solo Ads
Find Traffic Your Competition is not using
Master Your Time
How to compete in saturated markets
3 important steps in your internet marketing business
Building an internet marketing niche
Learn the model of a $250000 business
How to determine what your market wants
How to create and deliver coaching
How to be a guru in your niche
Sales letter writing
How to create an offer that monetizes
AND A MANY MORE in the app.
BONUS videos!
You will get the following 2 videos in this app:
(1) 25 Website traffic methods exposed - part 1
(2) 25 Website traffic methods exposed - part 2
Stop buying expensive products that do not deliver and which have expensive upsells. Get this app, grab a notepad and pen, as you listen to the audio trainings make notes on the ideas and suggestions made. ABOVE ALL TAKE ACTION to achieve the internet marketing lifestyle you are dreaming of.
To your internet marketing business success!
In the archives section added sermon number after the preacher's name for preachers with several sermonsNew elegant icon design and splash page