Venus International College of Technology is a premier College technology located at Bhoyan Rathod, Gandhinagar, is known for its academic excellence. It was established by G.P. Jain Charitable Trust in the year 2009. Right from its inception, it has been making attempts to achieve academic laurels. This Institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University and this College is in Gandhinagar Zone. GTU has recognized our College as zonal central as Open Source Technology Club for Gandhinagar Zone this year.
Welcome to VICT
Venus International College of Technology is a premier College technology located at Bhoyan Rathod, Gandhinagar, is known for its academic excellence. It was established by G.P. Jain Charitable Trust in the year 2009. Right from its inception, it has been making attempts to achieve academic laurels. This Institute is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University and this College is in Gandhinagar Zone. GTU has recognized our College as zonal central as Open Source Technology Club for Gandhinagar Zone this year.
Our students have shown excellence in Project Work and many of them have been proved having commercial value. This College has been associated with Chhatral GIDC Industries Association where our Industrial Interaction Cell has been in constant touch with them. The Association of Industries and College of this area through GTU innovation council has formed complex known as CHHATRAL SANKUL. Dr. Yogesh Dave, Co-Chairman of Chhatral Sankul has appreciated the excellent project of this institute and named our college as “Innovative Institute” and encouraged the institute by offering memento on the ‘Project Fair Day’ in the current year. On account of its innovativeness GTU recommended our college as Student Starter Support System – S4 Extension Centre.