Thanks for taking a look at this App. For the current demo version, the contents of this App are broken down into counting and arithmetic. In the counting portion of the App, your child can learn to count not with just numbers, but with coordinated music play along with rhythms. As a number comes up, your child will hear sophisticated beats that are played in a musical measure. Animations for each measure will appear until counting reaches the target number. This will allow for your child to both visualize and hear what that number means. Not only will your child be exposed to number counting on a computer platform, but they will be exposed to counting at a musical level. (This counting is still extremely important for amateur and professional musicians.) The next part of the App consist of standard addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Twenty is the limit for demo version for each of these operations. With this part of the App, rhythms will be adjusted based on your child’s progress. With this approach, your child will learn numbers in addition to a possible unspoken groove that is associated with successful learning. This is an interactive Math App for children old enough to have some type of hand-eye coordination. It is also designed for children but is intended for adults to enjoy learning and spending the time with their child. Head Developer’s Personal Inspiration:I spent a considerable amount of quality time taking care of and teaching my daughter during a personal transient period. During this transition, I wanted to teach her more but simultaneously using music and math. But I also thought other children can benefit too. Along with this influence, there also was much transition and illumination in America during the conception of this App. One specific instance was the courage, strength, and triumph displayed by 4-year old Miss Castile; and I strongly feel that she should be considered a ‘Rosa Parks’ of her generation with her nationally displayed courage. This inspired me and further affirmed the importance of not underestimating the power of a child. I therefore, plan to continue to focus on all age groups in being an educator and innovator, while I am living. Future plans: This is the first of a series of Apps that will enrich the education of youth and adults. Please buy the premium App for more math learning and to fuel further development in additional apps. Future planned Apps will include possible subjects of geometry, algebra, basic physics, and science. I will also include classical music such as Chopin, Bach, Mozart, Debussy, and etc. More importantly, future Apps will have user-volunteered learning data and this voluntarily submitted data will be used in collaboration with early childhood education researchers. I do not want to just make Apps fun, I want to make them highly effective. Please check another App developed that discusses more advanced topics geared towards teenagers and adults entitled: “Interactive Scriptures.”