Name Meaning
What does your name meaning ?
Create Picture with your Name Meaning and share on Social media with friends and family
We can get true meaning behind your name.Generate a beautiful name and share it with your friends or put it as your display picture or wallpaper. You can even print and frame it on your wall!
Name meaning Application help you to check what is behind your name and make a picture with many theme you can choose your loved theme and put your name with many other graphics tools, like you can increase font size, font style, color etc.
Baby Name Meanings - Baby Names and Baby Name Meanings of different origin including Hindu Baby Names, Islamic Baby Names, Christian Baby Names, Jewish Baby Names and more. Baby Name meanings are now included too.
it is very easy to use.just open your app and enter your name and quickly see your name meaning, then select background using frame, wallpaper, stickers and font style after that download and share it.
How to Use:
1. Enter your name to get meaning of your name.
2. Chose one of the many photo backgrounds that you want your name to appear on.
3. You can Chose Text Color to make name meaning appear in different colors.
4. You change meaning of name by Selecting different words for each alphabet.
5. Create Best looking Name Posters.
6. Save and Share your Name Meaning with friends and family.
* HD Graphics.
* App is Efficient and easy to use.
* Attractive Backgrounds, gradient and colors & more.
* Text colors can easily customizable.
* Check Multiple Meanings.
* you can share it with social friends.
* You can also save generated meanings.
* You can check your name abbreviation meaning.
* It’s FREE and offline so download it now and find out what your name reveals about you or other. people in your life.
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