This calculator is designed for users use ti 84 Calculator, math helper.
This is an emulator of some models:
+ Free graphing calculator ti 83, ti 84 plus free, math algebra & calculus.
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+ Graphing calculator grafncalc83
+ Calculator advanced 570 fx es plus
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+ Calculator 991 ex plus t1-84
+ Calculator graphncalc 570 ex plus
+ Almost features of calculatorfree ti 89 and wabbit calculator
+ Graphic calculator can draw function, polar, parametric graph
Additional features:
+ Math formulas and physics formulas
+ Unit converter
+ Programming
+ Equation solver
+ Fraction calculation
+ Solve math problem by math camera, math solver
+ Statistic, linear algebra and symbolic calculation
Quick tile on status bar
Graph simultaneous plotting
Graph independent zoom
Statistical functions and documentation
Distribution calculation
randNorm, randBin and round functions
Bug fixes and stability improvement