Tookma is a news app that get latest and best news from India and other countries in a short and crisp 60 words or less format, personalized for you. All summarized stories contain only headlines and facts to help you stay informed of the current news. Whether it’s the latest government policies or shakeups in Bollywood, we get them covered and delivered super fast! Get updated with the latest news and current affairs in a jiffy!
In addition you can now list your business on our application for absolutely free and we will verify it from you before make it live and once it will be live, it will be shown to the users all over the Gujarat/India. So, you will get a great leads from all over India by just using this application and that is also for NO COST.
You can also read the old news when you are offline and no internet connectivity. We have provided day and night mode to read news without harming your eyes.
Read in short, save your time and stay updated with Tookma.
Download today!
Some minor bug fixes