How can we quickly get 9.0 Update?
How to Upgrade Version with OTA Updates
Normally, you will get notifications from OTA (over-the-air) when the update is available for you. From here, you can open it and tap the update action to upgrade the Android system to the latest version. However, if for whatever reason, it isn’t being rolled out to your phone or you accidentally cleared the notification, then you need to update version manually:
✅ Download and Open App
✅ Make sure you Connect your phone to the Wi-Fi Network
✅ App will check for available updates
✅ Once Update screen pops up you are ready to go
✅ Click on --DOWNLOAD-- button and it will download update
✅ You can click on --LATER-- to update in future
This app is in testing and might not work on all devices
This app does not update your device
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App is in testing
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