This is not the official App of Education Board.This App will only help you to get SSC Result(Secondary School Certificate).
How to see result by online?
1.Select Your Board.
2.Select Your Exam.
3. Select Exam Year(2020)
4.Type Your Roll Number.
5.Type You Registration No.
Then you have see your result by online.
This app is very simple and ui deign app.And you have get your ssc result 2020 easil.
The website of our apps that we have used is the website of Bangladesh Board of Education with which we have no relationship. The website is run entirely by Bangladesh Board of Education.We don't changes any content, layout or design of their website.We have been saying from the beginning that these apps will only show you SSC(Secondly School Certificate)results, they will show the results, so it is not related to anything on this App.
We don’t use apps that use another app or entity’s brand, title, logo, or name but If I accidentally use any of the above, please let me know and I will remove them as soon as possible.