RTO Vehicle Information And RTO Exam Test is a one-stop solution and a must-have app for most of your automobile-based needs.
Vehicle Owner Details
How to find vehicle owner information? Just enter vehicle number to get vehicle registration details including real owner name, registration date, insurance expiry, etc.
Dear Friends in this app we learn how to know vehicle owner name with just 1 tap any indian vehicle info & vehicle registration details. We hope you will like this simple, smart and faster app and share This useful app with all your loving friends.
Benefits of the app -
Now you can also find whose vehicle is parked in your parking area.
You can find Who owns the vehicle who dangerously drives through your locality.
So People in the business of resale of vehicles can be sure of the documents and ownership.
And People buying second hand vehicles can know who was the original owner.
You can Find Owner of Stray and suspicious vehicle lying close to your home/office or building.
With this app Second hand vehicle buyers can confirm whether the ownership is transferred to their name or not.
We are not related to any RTO authority of India. All details shown in the app about vehicle owners are publicly available on the Parivahan website. We are only acting as a platform to make this information available to users easily via the app.
In case of any kind of the legal procedure we highly recommend to consult with respective department in the city/state.
This is not an official app of RTO.
We provide just information not use any ileagal way.