The iCalculator combines the Standard & Scientific calculator, with extensive & easy functionality. Join millions of users by downloading iCalculator OS 12 from Phone X on all Android Devices. It's the most feature-rich Calculator!
Everybody needs a calculator. Because of this, there have been many calculators through the years and they're actually pretty easy to find
iCalculator is the best Smart Calculator app emulates the I.O.S series calculators
Include features in iCalculator OS 12:
" The display of which indicates expressions and gives easy operation for editing
" General calculator: You can do the basic stuff like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
" Moreover, square, formula's parenthesis, and simple scientific operations such as trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
" Includes history, graphing features, base conversions, and more: Memory, M +, M, MR, MC
" The UI is also simple with material design from Phone X style OS 12. You shouldn't have any trouble moving around the interface
" Easy editing by using a cursor operation
" Supports length, weight, width, volume, time, temperature, pressure, speed, fuel efficiency, and the amount of data.
" Automatically calculates using the real time exchange rate. Supports more currencies in the world
" All in app Calcalator: Ovulation Calculator, Date Calculator, Unit Price Calculator, Health Calculator, Fuel Efficiency Calculator, Hexadecimal Converter, Sales Tax Calculator…
This calculator is free. There are many other excellent calculator in Android. Google calculator is also very perfect. The purpose of developing this calculator is to enable users to experience the products of different system platforms - Calculator of OS in android
Please enjoy iCalculator OS 12 now! All free and more style for you. Gif us 5 star if you like app! Thanks for all!
" 4 basic calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
" Do scientific operations such as trigonometric, logarithmic, calculator 12 digits, fraction calculator, and exponential functions
" Scroll feature: Swipe on the keyboard to move the cursor up and down, left and right. Touch to edit expression.
" An intuitive and attractive design that facilitates calculations every day.
" Solve equation, Solve system equation, Solve cubic, quadratic, in-equation, diagram calculator
" CALC function, memory function, derivative function, integrate function
" Supports the four fundamental arithmetic operations, square, formula's parenthesis, and simple scientific operations such as trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
" Calculate quick and easy
" Advanced result formatting. As: numbers, dates, percents, hex, oct, bin... representations.
" Unit Converter: all unit conversions commonly used in everyday life; length, weight, width, volume, time, temperature, pressure, speed, fuel efficiency, and the amount of data.
" Currency Converter: Supports all currencies for every country including the dollar, euro, pound, yen, yuan, won, franc, ruble, dinar, peso, rupee, shilling, rial, kwacha, dirham, florin, guinea, krona, krone, riyal, colon, som, leu, virtual currencies like Bitcoin, and precious metals like gold, silver, palladium, and platinum.
" Beautiful and intuitive interface with gesture based control and navigation
" A simple and uncluttered calculator.
" Touching to edit number and operator
" Reusing previous calculation result for the next calculation
" It's nicely designed with material design style OS12 and easy to use same as iCalculator
Calculator Pro is decent calculator app and a better conversion app. It lets you convert units quickly and on the fly, with an easy-to-read history tape that lets you send old calculations to your current one of Calculator +, Calculator Plus, Calculator Scientific, iCaculator...
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Now, download and feel about it!