Care Bears™ Lock Screen by IconLogin® lets you unlock your Android device using a Picture Password on a keypad made up of Care Bears™ images.
The APP is based on patent protected software. You know how it works - protect your device from your kids, your friends, strangers on a train. You get the Picture - try it and see why we think you will love it.
You get one keypad for free: Care-moji Keypad 1.
Care Bears™ Lock Screen is as easy as ABC...
A. You are presented with a Care Bears™ keypad of 12 images
B. Your Picture Password is a series of the same four images on the Care Bears™ keypad, in the same order every time.
C. The 12 images in the Care Bears™ keypad change location every time you see the keypad.
Using Care Bears™ Lock Screen by IconLogin® means no longer having to remember a string of numbers (which is probably your credit card PIN number – tut, tut), words with case sensitive letters (er…er…was that A or a?) or smudgy, smeary dot to dot patterns (mmm…always choosing the Z, right?). We say – NO to Alphanumeric and NO to join the dot passwords – that is the old way. Free us from this tyranny!
Simple. Easy. Visual. Fun.
Here are the App's Features:
• Our App lets you Unlock your Android device with a Picture Password chosen from a Care Bears™ keypad.
• Our App lets you create Your Picture Password using this Care Bears™ keypad. Your Picture Password is the same four images on the Care Bears™keypad, in the same order every time.
• Our App lets you change your Picture Password whenever you like.
• Our App is FREE to install and use and comes with one FREE Care Bears™ keypad - Care-moji Keypad 1.
• You can purchase any of the following Care Bears™ keypads - any of which you can preview via the In-App purchasing menu.
Care Bears™ Care-moji Keypad 2
Waving Care Bears™ Keypad
Standing Care Bears™ Keypad
Sitting Care Bears™ Keypad
Care Bears™ Thinking Keypad
Care Bears™ Welcoming Keypad
Care Bears™ Loving Keypad
Care Bears™ Remix Keypad
Care Bears™ Snack Attack Keypad
Care Bears™ Floral Keypad
Care Bears™ Yummi Keypad
During the set up process we ask for your details (email address) and give you a choice of a password reset options - either answer 3 control questions, or use a button combination on the device. These can be used to help you reset your Picture Password.
Please note that if you forget your answers to the control questions or the button combination, YOUR DEVICE WILL BE LOCKED. We will send you an email with the answers to the questions and therefore you will need to access your email account via an alternative way in order to read this email.
The main reason to have this information is to help you reset your Picture Password. We will never provide this information to anyone else for marketing purposes, but we may (if you allow us to) send you emails about any new updates or new Apps we may launch.
The App will be available on Google Play for the following handsets sizes 4.6" to 10.5" and Android OS 4.1 TO 6.0. Full functionality may not occur on handsets outside of these sizes and Android OS software.
If you are not using your device, Care Bears™ Lock Screen by IconLogin® will timeout at the time chosen in the ‘Screen timeout’ setting in your Settings –Display menu.
Feel free to contact us at and follow us on social media.
See for the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for Care Bears™ Lock Screen. If you have any queries, please contact us at
Please note we have updated the workings of the time/date stamp and altered the App Badge. We suggest you untick and tick Use Lock Screen in the Settings Menu when you have installed the new version, just to make sure that everything is functioning properly.