DuckDns Update Client for Android
(Android Update Client for
What does it do?
DuckDns Updater is an Android application (service) that allows you to keep dynamic hostname’s IP address of your Android phone or tablet up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service. DuckDns Updater application periodically checks your external network’s IP address and if it detects that IP address of your Android device has changed, it will update the hostname setup in your DuckDns account with a new IP address. That way you can always reach external services running on your device. Our application starts the service automatically on Android boot and runs in the background. Once you configure it, you no longer have to worry about it, it does everything automatically.
Why do I need this update client?
Your device has a dynamic external IP address which changes quite often (weekly or even daily). This can make it very difficult to connect to home services running on Android from an external computer or another Android device. This application is for those want to connect to web, ftp, rdp & remote media servers - and other servers running on their Android devices.
Go to, setup a free hostname, mark down the domain name and your token, insert it into Android DuckDNS Client (Updater) and you’re all ready to go.
Supported Platform: All Android devices (phones and tablets) with Android vs3.0 (HONEYCOMB) or higher.
Is it really free?
Yes, it’s completely free. We only include build in ads to support our development costs.
However, if you can’t resist to say thanks, use following donation url:
DuckDNS service is DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service similar to services provided by: DynDNS, DDNS. no-ip, opendns, tzo, opendns, easydns and zoneedit.
- bug fixes
- support for new AdMob SDK