Drink responsibly helps you keep track of how much you drank at a party and warns you when you have to hold your horses – based on the calculation of the alcohol intake. Don't forget to drink water and eat some food.
The feature you will be most happy with is the ability to call your local taxi service.
- Keeping you safe when you go out and party
- You don't have to remember the taxi services' numbers
- Approximate calculation of intoxication
- A list of taxi services based on users' location
Pi me kujdes ju ndihmon te kontrolloni se sa keni pirë në një parti dhe ju paralajmëron se kur eshte koha per te pirë ujë dhe per te ngrënë ushqim.
Ajo qe do te ju ndihmoj me se shumti eshte se mundeni te thirrni taxi.
- Pini me Kujdes
- Skeni nevoj ti mbani ne mend numrat e taxi-ve
- Përafërsisht sa jeni te dehur
- Numrat e taxi-ve varësisht prej lokacionit