您有任何建议请发邮件给我们: QA.ONETV@GMAIL.COM.
(1)台湾综艺节目,(2)中国好声音,(3)歌手 (4)金曲捞之挑战主打歌 (5)幻乐之城(6)梦想的声音(7)蒙面唱将猜猜猜 (8)天籁之战 (9)跨界歌王 (10)谁是大歌神 (11)我想和你唱 (12)中国情歌汇 (13)声临其境 (14)快乐男声(15)超级女声 (16)快乐大本营 (17)天天向上 (18)快乐哆唻咪 (19) 偶像练习生, (20) 欢乐喜剧人
(21)喜剧总动员 (22)开心剧乐部 (23)我就是演员 (24)加油好身材 (25)奔跑吧,兄弟 (26)来吧冠军(27)勇敢的世界 (28)王牌对王牌 (29)二十四小时 (30)高能少年团(31)新舞林大会(32)极限挑战 (33)挑戰者聯盟 (34)中国梦想秀 (35)加油!向未来 (36)七十二层奇楼 (37)密室逃脱·暗夜古宅 (38)我是大侦探(39)明星大侦探 (40)最强大脑 (41)我家那小子 (42)向往的生活 (43)亲爱的·客栈 (44)花儿与少年 (45)花样姐姐 (46)我们十七岁 (47)爸爸去哪儿 (48)妈妈是超人 (49)妻子的浪漫旅行 (50)真心大冒险
(51)野生厨房 (52)熟悉的味道 (53)中餐厅 (54)梦想改造家
This is NOT an official app from the various media services, and this is only an unofficial
3rd-party client that complies with their 3rd party API terms of service.
This app is NOT an affiliated nor related product of those services. Per their API developer terms:
- "You do not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or to promote API functionality
in your application" provided that the guidelines are followed.
This section App Player for third-party media player, we did not upload any videos, has no intention of copyright infringement
1. This App is in line with the third-party player YouTube API Terms of Service
2. All videos are offered through the official API embedded player for playback
3.YouTube Content ID system to safeguard the interests of copyright holders
4. If without lawful authority videos are uploaded, the right holder may submit a copyright takedown notice to YouTube
If you have additional questions, please contact us: QA.ONETV@gmail.com
All videos are provided by the public third-party media service YouTube. All trademarks and
copyrights belong to their respective owners and are used here under the terms of Fair Use and the
Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).
Since the app simply links to content on their service via their 3rd Party Developer API,
the app does not have any direct control of their content. If there are any content that may
infringe upon anyone's copyrights, the following link can be used to report the content:
Use of this software comply with Youtube API specification:
Video and sound may not be separated (not available for playback background)
Not tampered with any video content (not available for voice removal function)
Allowed to copy any video content (not available for offline play or download)