We are trying different techniques to try to repel mosquitoes such as :
- Sounds: animals like the dragonfly, which eat insects and mosquitoes which flee .
- Vibrations: to mimic the waves in a specific radius of a flying animal predator of mosquitoes.
- Flash sequence : to perform a variety of shades to mimic bodies in motion.
- In this test we try to repel mosquitoes that transmit malaria , dengue, Chikungunya and Zika , causing many deaths every year.
We are looking for other techniques that may repel mosquitoes :
- Video of animals in active (but would have a negative effect on the battery).
- Other animal sounds that you can suggest us to test the effectiveness of our anti-mosquito now in summer.
- We are trying different low frequency sounds for testing.
- Any other suggestions to mail nexialtd@gmail.com