HD Wallpapers is a collection of 100% FREE images for wallpapers and backgrounds for your SGS7. There are concept and stock wallpapers and are of Hd resolution
All photos published on HD Wallpapers are licensed under CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) that means you can simply copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free (including commercial purposes), without asking permission from the photographers. The best way to list all such HD Photos is in the form of an Android Application, so we are using this way.
This application is supported by all the Android Devices including new devices like Galaxy Note 5, Nexus 5X, SGS7 etc.
✔ Wallpaper are sorted by 15+ categories.
✔ We have hundreds of wallpapers in HD quality.
✔ New HD wallpapers and images every day.
✔ Material Design, giving an awesome look to the application.
✔ You can save the wallpaper in your SD Card for a later use.
✔ Sharing is Easy. You can easily share the wallpaper or the images using the share option on the Wallpaper Page.
✔ You can use the saved wallpaper to set the chat background of your WhatsApp.
Abstract, Animal, Architecture, Black and White, Cloud, Flowers, Landscape, Painting, Road, Sunset, Tree, Vehicle, Backgrounds for WhatsApp