Here’s how it works:
Let’s imagine you are looking for your friend in a large crowd
In advance, tell your friend a color from「I Find You」. For example, “Hey John,「I Find You」Blue.”
When you are really separated from your friend in a crowd,
use this app, choose the color you first mentioned to your friend and the screen will blink that color.
Raise your phone over your head and be astounded at how fast your friend finds you.
As previously mentioned, it’s the world’s dumbest App...but it works.
In addition,「I Find You」is the world’s only friend-finder app that does not require GPS,
data connection or any other type of wireless signal!
Works Great For Finding Friends…
• In restaurants
• In stadiums
• In a crowded airport
• In bars
• In movie theaters
• At concerts
• At large festivals
• On the street
• While camping
Here, there and anywhere~