this guide will teach you exactly how to be famous in moviestarplanet, its best for girls with little knowledge with the game and can be very useful to catch up with famous players, install if you need to become practiced in map game
When playing Moviestarplanet, you can redeem a code by clicking on the “msp hacker app” button at the top right side of your screen. Then you’ll see a button msp hack tool towards the bottom that says “Redeem Code”. You can click on the button msp hacker app no survey and a box will pop up where you can redeem msp vip hack your code.
If you think you’re done with playing msp vip guide for good, you’ll want to know how to delete your account. To delete your account, just click on free vip for msp the question mark at the top right corner of your screen. Then click on how to get free vip on msp “My User” and at the bottom of the screen you’ll see a button that says msp cheats “Delete User.” Once you delete your account, it’s gone for good so be sure you want to delete it!
To become a judge on moviestarplanet hack, you have to buy a 12 month VIP membership moviestarplanet free vip. Or you can use a VIP account generator to get a free vip for moviestarplanet year long account for free. If you buy a 3 month VIP membership, you become a jury member so you can still vote but the judge has the final say.
Sometimes other moviestarplanet hack app users do things are against the rules but many players don’t know how to report someone. It’s actually moviestarplanet hack for free pretty easy. All you have to do is click on their username moviestarplanet cheats to bring up their profile then click on the exclamation mark inside of the yellow triangle. Then just click on the “Report” button and give a short description of what they did to break the rules.