All Sarkari Yojna (Modi Govt. Scheme 2019-20) app provides the latest information about the social welfare schemes include to Sarkari yojna was released in 2019-20 and launched by our PM and Govt. Scheme. This application very important for indine people because these app provide many types of Sarkari yojna and this app is totally free and offline and you can use easily and where to apply how to apply for sarkari scheme in india and how to take befits of these schemes and details of sarkari yojna list in hindi.
Is Application me Appko ye Suvida Milegi :
Manrega yojna list
Gram Pnachayat
Job card List
Ration card list
Apl Ration Card List
Bpl Ration Card List
PM Aawas yojna List
Ujjwala Yojna List
Shaochalay Yojna List
Aasam Ration Card List
Arunachal Pradesh Ration Card List
Andhra Pradesh Ration Card List
Bihar Ration Card List
Chhattisgarh Ration Card List
Uttar Pradesh Ration Card List
Gujarat Ration Card List
Himachal Pradesh Ration Card List
Jammu Kashmir Ration Card List
Jharkhand Ration Card List
Karnataka Ration Card List
Madhya Pradesh Ration Card List
Maharashtra Ration Card List
Odisha Ration Card List
Punjab Ration Card List
Rajasthan Ration Card List
नोट : यूजर कृप्या धयान दें
हम किसी भी प्रकार के डाटा को एकत्रित नहीं करते हैं हमने आपकी सुविधा को धयान में रखते हुए इस एप्प को डेवेलोप किया है यहाँ पर थर्ड पार्टी वेब लिंक को दिया गया है यदि कोई डाटा एकत्रित करता है तो इसमें हमारी कोई ज़िम्मेवारी नहीं है इसलिए अपने सोच से काम करें, धन्यवाद्
All state ration card site updated